Special Services » Upcoming Gifted Testing Dates

Upcoming Gifted Testing Dates

LightbulbIf you believe your student is gifted you may request that they be tested. Referrals are available at each school site and testing occurs three times a school year. Students may only be tested once per school year. Students may be referred by either a parent, self, or teacher in order to be considered for the gifted program.
Next Gifted Testing Dates: 

✏️ Spring Testing: 23-24 School Year: April 29th to May 16th. 

Specific dates for each school will be determined based on number of the number of referrals submitted. IMPORTANT REMINDER: The Referral Deadline is April 8th, 2024. 

✏️ Fall testing will occur between September and October


✏️ Winter Testing: Early January 

POC District Gifted Teacher
Nadia Westen at [email protected]

**Gifted Testing takes place 3 times a year in accordance with the Arizona State Mandate**
*Dates and schedule are determined by the District Gifted Teacher.*