Governing Board » Alison Hayward- Member

Alison Hayward- Member


I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and received both my BA (Psychology) and MS (Educational Psychology) from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Shortly after completing my MS I met and married an active duty soldier and my role as an Army Spouse began. My early career focused on evaluating academic programs in K-12 education while working at a school district in Las Vegas, the State Education Agency in Texas, and Mile High United Way in Denver, Colorado. In Kansas I started a PhD program at Kansas State University in Adult Learning and Leadership, which led to a career shift to focus on organizational and leadership effectiveness. I am currently a Senior Organizational Effectiveness Consultant at ICF International. My career shifted away from a focus on K-12 education but my passion for high-quality education remained, and so I joined the school board for a charter school in Colorado, and a public school district in Kansas. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experience and maintain the academic excellence the schools in the Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District provide.


We have added two girls to our family during our time with the Army and have lived in Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and now Arizona. I have a daughter that attends General Myer Elementary School and my other daughter attends Colonel Smith Middle School. We love it here at Fort Huachuca and especially enjoy the great hiking. I was born in Missouri, and despite moving away when I was just seven years old, I have remained a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs!