Special Services » EL Services

EL Services

The Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District is a language-rich school. We are fortunate to have so many languages from so many different countries in our school district.
The Ft. Huachuca Accommodation School District provides EL (English Learner) support to English learners and their families. The goal of the English Learner Program is to provide every child high quality and meaningful instruction in order to access the general education curriculum, allow for healthy/age-appropriate social interaction with school peers and succeed academically. English Learners (ELs) are provided instructional support designed to meet their unique educational needs.
Under the State guidelines, FHASD implements a Pull-Out model program. A student who has been classified as an English Learner through the AZELLA test will receive 60 minutes per day/300 minutes per week (elementary) or 50 minutes per day/250 minutes per week (secondary) of pull-out targeted ELD time for all EL students that is provided by a certified ELD Specialist in addition to classroom support provided by the classroom teacher/s. 
AZELLA - The Arizona English Language Learner Assessment is a standards-based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students' English language proficiency.
Arizona Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition Services website:

EL Coordinators at Each School Site:

Colonel Johnston Elementary- Mrs. Lori Drake, [email protected]

General Myer Elementary- Ms. Ginger Beaman, [email protected]

Colonel Smith Middle School- Mrs. Blanca Ortiz, [email protected]